Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Regional anime clubs in India

All this is thanks to the efforts of India Anime Club (check them on Facebook) for having compiled this list and putting it into a doc. As it was quite unable to use the Facebook link for this document onto Listly, I thought it more ideal to put it into this blog entry and link it up on Listly for everyone's convenience. 

Again, all credits to IAC: India Anime Club, NOT me!


Allahabad Anime Club

The Guild Of Bangali Otakus

Bangalore Anime Club

Bhilai/Raipur Anime Club

Bhubaneswar Anime Club

Anime Realm : Chennai

Coimbatore Anime Club

Delhi Anime Club

Guwahati Anime Club

Hyderabad Anime Club

Jaipur Anime Club

Kanyakumari Anime Club

Malayalee Anime Fans

Kota Anime Club

Kolkata Anime Club

Lucknow Anime Club

Mumbai Anime Club

Nagpur Anime Club

Noida Anime Club

Odisha Anime Club

Pune Anime Club

Shillong Anime Club

Vizag Anime Realm

Monday, June 9, 2014

Mid-day musings

April, though, half-interested in the day's Software Engineering class at university had things aplenty to brew about in her mind: she was hungry, but with an hour or more to go for the lunch bell, she simply had to pen this down to keep her mind diverted--from both the drone of the Professor's Power Point lecture, and also the strong pulls of her hunger pang.


Yellow satin, and
Hues of white.
Won't do to touch it--
For the teacher is in sight.

Nib or nap
Is a choice so tough.
Though he is all yap,
I dream of the veg-puff.

Yes, I am hungry now.
So my mind won't stay low.
I need my chow and
That, you ought to know.

Hunger and poetry
Must be given a try;
Odd things and even ones
Sometimes make a good fry.


1. The yellow and white hued 'satin' was April's veil, which is part of her university's prescribed dress-code that is most annoying. No, April doesn't know what material the veil is made of; the word used here is purely for achieving poetical rhythm.

2. Now that she thinks of what food she actually wanted to sink her teeth into when composing this, April recalls that it was not a veg-puff, but was a samosa. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Midnight musings. Almost.

She writes her way into the night, void of music, save for the continual tapping sound of her fingertips against the keys on her computer. The tap is so soothing when the setting is right, and statistically sad when she has a sane source not, to turn toward for inspiration.