Tuesday, December 29, 2015

In question to how she'd been.

Good, a little bad because I was VERY nostalgic on Christmas (as its the ex's birthday)
It did not help when I texted one of his lady friends that day to wish for Christmas as she's a Christian (unknowning to herself,, this girl was one of the reasons that made me want the breakup) and her Whatsapp profile picture just HAD to be a selfie taken with him
I got way too nostalgic (like I already said before) and my thoughts last weekend were only about my ex, about reminiscing moments of the past and re-imagining what I would like with him in the future and well, everything last weekend revolved around my ex.
But this week, I'm all focused and working towards my uni. research and short paper-writing research (very slow progress there..) and my Java class' assignments
But seriously speaking, I look forward to fall in love all over again. Wanted to tell you this yesterday but I fell asleep..To put it in a simple way, it is a very beautiful thing / feeling to be loved and to also be in love with that same person.
When I love, I love with everything I've got and I saw that in my previous relationship (not boasting here). But when I chose in my mind to move towards a breakup, it has the most toughest choice, period. But I had to do it anyway. Even now when I think of him, I still don't regret asking him to breakup with me because I know he'll never change, he'll never want to step down and talk, apologize or compromise. And although he's the perfect prince and we've got the most perfect relationship ever, what's the point if he wouldn't get off his high horse eh? Okay, really ROFL--> after having written all this, I suddenly remembered now that I forgot the very point I wanted to make unsure emoticon

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Something I wanted to rant about now

Everyday grind is going on nice. Well, sorta, I guess.

Uni is all about the final project this time, although the other classes and electives definitely do take up their own large spaces in the ballroom that's my final year.
The project is going on so-so, and we're yet to start implementing there. No worries there, we'll get to it in our pace.

Java classes have ended but I'm yet to start with half the classes' worth of assignments :/ Time, time, I want more of you! Or I wish you'd stop for me like you would for that little tiny wingman of Frieza from Dragon Ball Z, where you could be frozen and unfrozen at command, where I could do and accomplish all I want while you're frozen, where it would just be me catching up with my pending works while the rest of the globe would freeze.

Android classes have started and Imma do my best there.

But oh GOSH do I hate the bus journeys home now more than ever--what with the weight of my heavy Dell laptop being protectively caged in my frail arms all the way home while in the heavily crowded buses, I easily become tired and want nothing else but to fling myself at the bed or couch when I'm home. All those glorified plans in my mind during the journey back home of being productive upon reaching home are crushed. Just like that. Period. Yayy. I swear, I swear that I'm going to really live near campus at the next uni I study at.

Speaking of which!

Grad school research is killing me, man!! The fact that I've a 15 year educational qualification opposed to that of the 16 years which Japan wants of me is killing indeed.

Waii me. R-senpai got to go to S-daigaku just fine without having to become a "Research Student"! And thanks to MEXT and the MHRD messing it up for India big time, I'm in a fix. Like, bad.


Uhh I am typing this while chatting with the arubaito-boss. Go, me!
Can't wait for tomorrow to start traveling--the usual Christmas travel routine! xD
Can't wait especially because my driving has gotten so much better.

And oh yeahh that Aunt HAD to ask me point blank in the face as to how my ex is doing. I'm pretty sure everyone (well, not alllll in that sense) knows that he WAS involved in me with something more than your average friendship. But oh well, the past is behind me, and I cannot stomach a relationship with someone who doesn't compromise, apologize or at the very least, talk.


Okay, back to the chat with my boss. 

Oooh did I mention about my tentative upcoming trek!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Why after all this time?

Why does she still dream of her ex in all the good ways as if the breakup never happened?!!

It is true she can't forget him, but still..

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Hola estas? Ahh, je suis bien, bien! 忙しい時の流れの中で愉快で頑張ってます。











では、のちほど~ (『のちほど』の使い方は正しいかな。。)

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Final semester faux pas and failures

3 days in and the fourth day, I'm taking a day-off.
This semester is already way too much.

Such a faux pas with the project, too.
Nonetheless, there's been SO much going on in my life of late that I don't have time to sit down and relax or take a deep, long breath.

But this doesn't mean that I've gotten to accomplish all that I must: two e-mails from two different internships' bosses reminding me about my serious backlogs have made me realize that I'm such a failure, too.

A failure as an intern, a student, a daughter, as a committee-planner, and a failure at keeping a firm resolve.

I'm not going to get this through to me. I'm going to work this through, I've taken a day off today (yess, the ominous 4th day-off from after the first 3 days of the semester) to try to take measures for this.

It is going to be a looong, rather long climb up the mountain this time given all that I've on my hands as I've really bitten off more than I can chew. But I'm definitely going to make it to the summit even if it means I've to climb on all fours with no resources.

I will do this. I will win against all my odds and prove that I'm worthy again.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

村上さん's TL request

"Any advice on how to get people to understand that you are in your late 20's with your own life, although far away from home, and you are seeing your future trying to build up in front of you but keep holding back just so that you don't disappoint some people?

Is it worth it that I came this far, just to throw them out the window and follow what others "think" they know what I should or shouldn't do?

Oh, some these people seldom or never asked how you are doing, or talked about what your dreams are.

I always think it was the workload at work, but this might be the biggest reason that I sometimes feel stressed and on the borderline towards depression.

I really do hope people just support me, genuinely, for what I do. Or at least, I hope I can be that person who can pick true friends and families that are actually helping build my future instead of holding me back. And not hurt me with words of discouragement.

In a nutshell, respect others' choices'"





Monday, October 26, 2015

Day 1 of Consecutive Japanese Interpretation

"First day of work (well, although this is only a ~1 week stint during my semester break now) went much better than expected. Hands down, consecutive Japanese interpretation is beautiful and rewarding if you know your stuff, and if your boss doesn't want anyone else but you.

It is even better if you have a business card which I don't (like, damn!), and knowledge of basic
grammar will help you with the home-run. A huge thanks to my ex-advance Japanese diploma classmate for referring me to this job!"

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Little Zen moment

Take it from me that one-day of side-ponytails and shoulder pains can and will go hand-in-hand for what will seem like six months.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Knitting doesn't make you feel bad

Its one of those weekends where you don't exactly have so much work as you nearly do every other weekend, you know? There are not many items on the checklist on your smartphone reminding you that you really need to tick this one off the list. You want to wind up a little after what seems to be a lifetime ago, so you end up doing just that.

You sit in front of the T.V., and The Amazing Spider Man starts airing. You watch a little bit of it and decide that it wasn't as bad as you thought after all; you shouldn't have been judgmental about it right from the start to begin with though...I mean, they can't obviously spill in millions of dollars to simply remake a story of what had already existed since a few decades past, right?

Yes, so you realize that you were judgmental about this Spider Man movie and swear to yourself that you're over it and that you're not going to do this judgmental thing with movies again.

On the next channel, P.S. I Love You starts airing and yess. That is exactly when you simply want to drop whatever you're doing, whatever that's in your hand, finish munching the nearly left-over lunch from this afternoon...and just, well..turn off the lights around you and make the room as dark as possible, drag a chair very close to the T.V., and start watching the movie already.

This movie, you had watched when you had just recently broken up with your boyfriend last year and it left you in such a mess. And this time this year? It is going to be your one-year break-up anniversary in three more days and this movie just..just airs. You want to watch it just for the sheer want of feeling the fat tears roll down your cheeks while you watch how Gerry wants his darling Holly to move on with her life after he's gone. And deep down, you know that you want to watch it just to challenge yourself; you want to see for yourself as to how you are now while watching this movie and understand the drastic changes from the person you were while watching the same movie.

Beautifulness. Well, is that a word? No, it is not. But right now, beautifulness feels as whole and meaningful as any other word in the English lexicon would. I've gotten better, yeah..

But once the opening credits of the movie rolled up, I felt numbing. I felt like I had itch to do something productive. I felt it so badly although I wanted to do nothing else but sit tight and watch the movie. May this is one of the waning effects of PMS.

So there you were--rushing around a little slowly (nice contrast eh) to grab your knitting bag, the yarn that's been wound into a makeshift vase and the size 5 needles that feel full in your fingers. You grabbed the chair you'd been on earlier and pull it a little closer to the T.V. than before. You watch the movie, and you knit. That's all.

Red thread sliding in and out between your fingers give you a good feeling, a feeling that makes you think of yourself as worthy. Worthy of what exactly? Hmm, that's hard to put a finger on. Don't you think?

But that's the thing about knitting: it makes you feel good..it assures you that you're not whiling away your time on a romcom but are actually making something productive! It makes you guilt-free that way and that, is beautiful.

I mean hey, how many of us have a positive feel of having "achieved" something after watching a chick flick? Ding ding ding, we have a winner in the room and that's me! I do!!
I did today after I knitted yet another red little square! :D

So yes! Knitting doesn't make you feel bad! ;)

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Summer in the city (Don't know when I wrote this or for what reason)

"Every other summer paints the scene of an always fiery ball of extreme hotness high up in the sky, taking tolls on both the physical and mental well being of everything it can soak its blazing rays upon. It has been the same since forever, and it is only more pronounced than ever as of now. About a century or so ago at the most, a larger number or at least half of the population would have been poor folks living in huts or sub-standard homes which would have been easily affected by what might be perhaps the highest intensity of the sun. Times have changed, and so has the economy that is drastically been upped from then on, thus giving way to a rise in the number of people who are able to afford a basic shelter--a house with a solid roof, and four walls made of concrete. These places obviously are a better guard to fend oneself from the glare of the sun. Now this short write-up was to only mirror the differences of how residences were, and are now, in the way of providing coverage from that huge star which is the center of our solar system.
Though the majority of the residences today are built up of concrete, and even if we may say that they offer safety against the sun, the opinion of very many is that the contribution in the uprising of the scorching heat of late is largely due to the increase in such concrete places that require the felling of many more trees, for greenery is a pillar of shade and protector of coolness; it is quite proven that the absence of so much trees is an arrow pointing to the fact that the red mercury mark has been on the rise, and does not show signs of coming down each summer. In fact, with more enterprising ventures coming up rapidly, temperatures are on a constant soaring high. Thanks to this, the climate always seems to be the same, come what season.
This might as well be the precise reason why people prefer their summer retreats in the country side villages, resorts and lodges; they know well of what the summer in the city holds for them, and so shift their gears towards more cooler landscapes to enjoy that pleasant sort of summer while they can. For in the city, a summer means plain hotness with no holes to hide into, to get away from the heat.
Clothing has always been season specific, and to defy those 'rules' simply mean to hand oneself a term sentence for the suffering experienced, to have deviated from what ought to be worn. Light cotton clothes whose shades is lighter are the generally prescribed type of outfits for the hottest season there is. It is atypical in cities for all those apparel stores lined up in the malls or the shopping districts to create new collections, aimed at making the season a bearable one with the right gear for consumers with all the care taken in designing the summer specific clothes. But how many actually are putting their feet forward to head to these stores to check out the outfits at the least? There are multitudes still sticking to wearing black--which is scientifically proven to absorb more heat.
With not just an article being black, dark full-on outfits are also found aplenty in the crowds. It is sweltering, of course: is what comes pat off of their mouths in reply if asked whether they feel hot. Then why wear it at all? 'Meh, dunno', is what follows. True it is that jeans or anything denim are said to be apt for all seasons. However, would that apply for all instances? As for me, even looking at those tight jeans that is commonly preferred and worn by everyone specially in summer makes me feel hot. Having flesh entrapped in a thick, coarse material under the strict supervision of the sun at all times is pretty much the same as torture, only in a rather mild and socially 'acceptable' way, I could put it as.
Stores and stalls' signs are splashed with shining announcements of the summer sales, as is for other seasons, too. But there is special significance for summer than any other, and this is earmarked by exceptional figures in the profit made by these summer special deals.
One more way to cash in the green when in summer is exceptionally exploited by the hotels and resorts: super attractive deals for the tariffs of rooms, and other services are offered which are sometimes actually good deals. What is more is that summer camps and classes are conducted within the premises; normal people never can make it to these places, but can pay the moderate fee charged for the classes that extend to a fortnight at most.
Shopping malls see a frenzied up rise in the number of visitors and shoppers: it is a refreshing environment to step into when the outsides are simply scorching. I put visitors before shoppers for the number of people coming in for merely enjoying the air conditioning exceed those of the actual consumers. I should admit that its quite fair though.
Summer in the city is a splendid thing if you have a knack of knowing what to do, and most find it easy to spot out these pleasure-points more than often. It's just another sweet specialty of summer is all."

What -were- plans for a podcast

"Konnichiwa! Welcome to Japanese 101 +More. This is our first podcast and to start things off, I am going to take some time to talk about what is so special about Japanese and why millions around the world want to learn it. Learning Japanese and falling in love with it has inspired me to create this podcast, and the website with the help of a few wonderful friends who share the same passion. I am going to try to keep it as light as possible so that you do not get bored. The main aim of this podcast is to make it more fun for you to learn Japanese. Are you ready? Yoshi!

Japanese is the language that is primarily spoken in Japan. When I say ‘primarily,’ I mean to say that knowing only English might not really take you places in Japan. Sure you will be able to survive, but you will need to know Japanese to really get into the scene, if you know what I mean.

Today, more and more people are wanting to learn Japanese and while most folks start out with anime as their main source of inspiration, there are others who start out because they love the language or because they need to learn it for business purposes.
However, there are many reasons for people to learn Japanese. Learning a new language is like falling in love; you can never truly point out as to why you fell in love with that person when suddenly asked.

So if you ask me why you should learn Japanese, I am not going to give the usual pointers that say ‘You will get a better appraisal at work,’ or ‘You can talk to Japanese people,’ and I’m definitely not  touching the part where you can watch anime without subtitles. Why YOU would want to learn Japanese is something that is unique to you and you alone can answer that question.

BUT, if you ask me questions like ‘Is Japanese as tough as the rumors say?’ or ‘Is it the same as Chinese or Mandarin?’ or ‘Does it sound funny?’ I sure CAN answer.

Whether Japanese is tough or not...well, that depends on how you approach the language and alter yourself while trying to learn it. Sure, you see statistics and facts saying that Japanese is one of the most difficult languages in the world, but if you ask me, I personally find it to be a naturalistic language that is quite easy. If you keep believing that it is almost impossible to learn Japanese because it is tough, that is the only thing that will remain in your mind and would make your learning quite uncomfortable.

When you perceive Japanese as a language like any other that can be learnt with good practice and understanding, you will surely learn to love it in no time at all.

There is a two hardbound rules to remember:

Rule one: Japanese and Chinese are not at ALL the same. Japanese has two scripts called Hiragana and Katakana that have EVOLVED from Chinese characters a very long time ago. We have a third script called Kanji which ARE basically Chinese characters whose readings are borrowed into Japanese. Other than that, there are no other similarities and thus Japanese is a completely different language.
So if you see people randomly talking about Japanese and poking fun at it while comparing it to Chinese or Mandarin, do not let that affect your studying. That is their opinion and you have your opinion. Have faith in what you believe and keep learning.

Rule two: is that you cannot really learn Japanese from anime. There are many people who claim that they have learnt Japanese from anime, but once you get to hear them talk, you will come to know that it’s not the sort of Japanese that you would want to use while conversing in real-time situations.

The Japanese used in anime is the brash, everyday language and it is not the best option to learn from. However, it would be really nice if anime can be used as a companion while learning Japanese. I personally have learnt so much more from anime than what I have learnt from my textbooks. But again, please remember that anime-Japanese and textbook-Japanese are nearly two different worlds.

Every language in the world reflects the culture and traditions of the country where it originated from, or where it is being widely spoken and Japanese is no exception to that.

Many Japanese students wonder why their teachers deviate from what is written in the textbook and talk about everyday life in Japan, how things are done in Japan, or why the teachers talk so much about the four seasons. I, too, did not have a clue about it when my teachers would talk about Japan and not Japanese to the point that all of us in class would forget where we left off in the lesson.

But now I understand that it is VERY important for Japanese students to know all that as learning Japanese makes it necessary to know the country’s culture and traditions. Japanese is sometimes direct, and is subtle and sneaky most of the other times and in order to properly understand all the contexts of Japanese, you need to know how things work in Japan.

With all that said, I am hoping that you might have a fairly basic understanding of Japanese and why you would want to learn it. A friend told me that learning Japanese is actually fun, but that it requires a lot of concentration, practice and most importantly, interest. Well, Rini-chan couldn’t be more right! Keep her words in mind and also remember to have fun because only then can you look at Japanese as a new friend you are about to make. Put your heart and soul into learning it, keep an open mind and you will do great! Love the language, respect it and it will love you right back.

So, I have managed to cover a few topics in this initial podcast and I might have missed many other topics that you would have wanted to hear and I apologize for that. Just tell me what you would like to hear in the comments section and I will try to cover that as best as I can. I am also planning to invite guests to talk in the future podcasts of Japanese 101 +More so you will hear more about learning Japanese from a very diverse range Japanese students. We’ll do our best to keep you entertained and refreshed while you are learning what is said to be a “very difficult language.”

There is a good number of sources out there that can help you learn Japanese. Our aim here is to do the same, but in a lighter perspective. I, too, am a Japanese learner and I am always looking out for sources that can teach me Japanese in a fun manner. That is why I decided to churn out this podcast as a companion to the Japanese 101 +More website because there are always things that can’t be understood from text and videos alone; some things are best understood when explained.

Suppose that while you are learning Japanese and suddenly have a doubt and none of the text sources help you understand it, you would have a problem finding a person to TALK to you and clear your doubt. When you listen to my podcasts, try to listen to them on the go and study Japanese at the gym or at the supermarket or even on the way to work or school, when you are bored or just wherever you feel like it.

While you are listening to the podcast and referencing the website, please let your friends know about us on social media. There are many people who are actively involved in the contribution of the growth of this website and podcast, and they deserve to be acknowledged for all their hard work.

Well then, thanks so much for listening to the first podcast of Japanese 101 +More. Please feel free to write your suggestions or views in the comments section so that we can know what you would like to hear about. Please do subscribe to this podcast if you do not want to miss out on all the goodness that’s going to make learning Japanese a truly awesome experience!!"

Written for a third-semester group project at university long, long ago.

"In the world of now where every minor detail that exists is expected to have pin-point precision, perfection is most obviously a mandatory requirement. India is a country where home-based things hold a great value, anything and everything for events are expected to be hand-made from scratch in the house having the women toil over it; food plays a major part here, along with whatever setting that happens 'behind-the-stage' to manage an event. But with the changes through the generations, as more and more women turn to focus on their careers, this has taken a back step. Not just the womenfolk but also the men who are expected to dish out something. It used to be difficult in such a system to procure all the ingredients and materials required from the local market as what was needed might usually go unavailable--with the situation being a no-compromise one. Many procedures may go wrong in cooking and setting up things and in the end, there are possibilities for it all to end up in mayhem. A great solution for this is the catering service options now available aplenty. A person wanting to host an event, or prepare food for people without breaking a sweat can be make it possible with just a few phone calls and e-mails from the very comfort of their home.

However, the actual system of catering is more complex than what meets the eye. In this project of catering service, we focus on a Bakery module where the catering company's main aspect is to deliver bread and pastry foods. The main functionalities focused in this project are ordering, cancelling. There are different methods to order like calling over the phone, booking through an e-mail or dropping into the office to directly order. For cancelling, there are a few clauses: cancelling many days before the day of the event is excusable and the customer does not have to reimburse anything to the catering company, but if ordered before certain specific days of the event, money would only be partially refunded to the customer based on when the cancellation is made and how long there is until the day of the event."

Friday, June 26, 2015

Fumes over text

A few days ago, a visitor at home was proudly relating his daughter's stint in joining the Indian Government after clearing some entrance exams and was prodding April to do the same no matter how much she was politely declining his suggestions for it.

Today, after what her muse wrote to her about the entrance exam and interview for the MEXT Research Scholarship 2016 handled by the Ministry of Human Resource and Development, India, April is determined to give back a stiff and stern comment right at those who prod her to enter the Government of India through a "good" post.

No offense intended, but I want to work for an organization that at least conducts interviews and written tests for another country's scholarship in a fair method.

Monday, May 25, 2015

A wordy week

This week, April is going to throw herself into translation; she is going to finish the pending voluntary translation projects for an anime series and a manga chapter.

It has been quite a while since she worked on either, and is quite nervous to get back to translating. Yes, it is a little weird why she should even get cold feet given that translation is one of her passions. But that is quite normal, too--one cannot help but feel quite out of place to get into one's lover's arms after having not met for a long time.

Getting back to translation is going to give April similar feels. 






Thursday, April 9, 2015

Previous Google+ profile data~

"I'm female, I'm sixteen and no I don't like pink. I am outspoken, I don't give a damn to how people bat their eyelashes when they think what I do is weird. I just give a finger and I'll be done with it. I am into anything and everything that has to do with Japan. I'm glad that I am out of that phase now: though I'm one of the admins of the Bangalore Anime Club. I draw anime as that's the only thing that inspires me with. I write what I feel as I believe that a true writer is someone who writes only for the sake of pure, unadulterated writing. I relish in the thought that I feel much better when I write away whatever that is there within my bosom: feels like a good night's sleep. I am more super normal than all those crazy teenagers out there who are purely driven by their hormonal rages and self-indulgent pleasures; I deserve a parole, man! I used to play the violin: I use the past tense as I'm currently on hiatus with the instrument. I was supposed to write more here, but I'm not going to do that now. You can feel free to contact me if you want to anything more. "

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

TL practice for tomorrow's exam.



"It is/was a neat and a pleasant cloudless/clear Sunday. Along the lake, in the pathway that was maintained/had been developed, a holiday morning-like picturesque landscape was spread about by (people) who were enjoying by jogging, walking, cycling or walking the dog. At the lake's shore, there is a natural (looking) yet fashionable cafe that was built bit by bit by only a simple roof and pillars, with a sparkly view of the lake surface, where there were also people who were relaxing by drinking coffee. With the low humid and clear atmosphere being light, the soft wind from the water/headwater blowing feels so pleasant on the skin..."

Thought of the morning.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

To the Hana Yori Dango lady.

This morning, the lady who sat next to April in the bus noticed April studying Japanese for today's final exam. She wasted no time in asking April what language that was, whether it was easy, if there was demand for it in the industry, whether April found it easy among the general questions one would ask about a new foreign language.
And after all this, she says she knows a little Korean because she watches Korean dramas to the point of exhausting her data package and spending a little fortune on it! She said Hana Yori Dango (Boys Over Flowers) was her most favorite. Too bad that she had to alight right after she said that or we could have bonded more. April knows not her name. Like wow! Sometimes, ones can't help but wonder about how such a small world it really is!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A bibliophile's bubbling emotions bursting out

The following was a Facebook status of a friend, of Gapechansan from just a little while ago:

"Ever found yourself feeling disarrayed inside with your emotions all clogged up and your mind in a chaotic mess as a result of Life's many stresses? The next time you do, go to your nearest book cafe, grab a book and forget the world for the next few (or several) hours. 
A good book works wonders for the soul! heart emoticon
(p.s: Manga works too, obviously tongue emoticon )"

April's reply:

All the time.   Currently reading Emma by Jane Austen. I've restricted this to only while traveling back and forth to and from uni. If not for the reading, my morning bus rides would be sleepy and slow, and the evenings' much agitated and tired. But Emma keeps me going on! I'm like 'No, no, Emma! Stop!!' Reading like this keeps me alive. More than I thought it might. And it is not just Emma, I finished Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities in the same manner just last month. Reading while traveling along the same old path I know has never been this magical as it has been since the last two months! There's just..no place legit enough for a book as just about anywhere will do. Sigh. End of a bibliophile's rant! :)

Monday, February 2, 2015

A bus journey's worth.

Gutsy feels across the place;
A table of too many orders.
Tall expectations at a mediocre class
And she knew not where her interests border.


Paint me warm in roaring neon,
I wouldn't mind.
Standing out and apart is a tough feat not.
I've enough funk to last an eon.


Written while traveling home from university, on Google Keep. Yes, smartphones are a very nice outlet to let loose one's writing when ideas just pop up out of the greens and blues of one's mind, and April is much thankful to Google Keep and Evernote. Ahh, time to stop! Before April starts ranting about her passion for computing!