Thursday, November 28, 2013


April had forayed into trying her hand at poetry since elementary school. But of late with her everyday schedule being busy, she has had nothing inspiring to write about and has been away from the scene of poetry except for when it is time for a poetry contest, or a literary competition: not that there were many of those.

She was part of exactly two poetry writing contests in the past two years, both of which were at her Pre University College. She always made sure to archive the poems she wrote for the contests, by carrying them back home on the drafting paper. This year being her first at University, she tried her hand at writing poetry during the Inter Deanery contest.


Theme: My Dream
Limit: a maximum of thirty lines.

1. Not defined on time,
Is this offshore country.
Be free to bet every dime--
For landing here is no wizardry.
It is where everything can rhyme,
On a loop with an endless spree, so free.

2. Not required is any labor,
So fret not, and smile, Sonny.
Take it all in--live it--savour!
No peril nor mayhem awaits you on this journey.
Ain't sure if it does you twice the same favour;
As it shall slip, like from your hand does money.

3. So sour the living cream?
No, darling, do not weep.
It could trap that eternal scream,
Put it asleep, maybe while counting sheep.
Hello, and welcome to my dream,
With the promise of freedom in every leap.

4. With enticing visions both dull and bright,
As dazzling as a marvel to behold,
So beautiful is this sight
Where I watch such mysterious unfold!
I gaze till I find my chest to be tight
Till it fills up with stories untold.

5. My hate for it is so very few,
For it is but such a great ploy;
It delivers me from my feelings so blue,
And gives me very much joy.
So when I dream, I bid adieu,
To all the world so coy.


Signing off,
April Twelving.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Life goes on...

April has many a time, wanted to stop what she's occupied with, and put down her thoughts to writing. But feh, if only she were that committed to writing.
Times have changed, new things have taken place, plenty of new experiences later, April is now of the decision to slowly fall into the author's pattern; at least of what she used to be before.

She shall take up writing with a bright, sharper perspective from now. As before, April shall not write of mundane everyday things, but try to channel everything toward a poetical sense.

She hopes she'll do her best.

Signing off!